Spiritual Gifts

Your Special Place

Dr. Larry Gilbert

Sir Michael Costa, the celebrated conductor, was holding a rehearsal. As the mighty chorus rang out, accompanied by scores of instruments, the piccolo player thought perhaps he could quit playing without being missed since there was so much music in the air at once.

Suddenly the great leader stopped and cried out, “Where is the piccolo?” The sound of that one small instrument was necessary for the full harmony of the piece and the conductor’s ear had missed it when it did not play.

So it is with the individual’s spiritual gift. Every part must be played, every gift must be used or the whole will suffer. You are important!

We all have heroes in the work of God—people we consider great and outstanding because of their positions and accomplishments.

Stop for a moment and think of the most outstanding Christian leader or teacher you know. When you have thought of someone, consider this: God has called you to do something he or she cannot do. God has called you to do something that your favorite evangelist can’t do, regardless of how great he or she is.

Your church needs you in order to full its mission in the community where God has placed it.

God has called you to do something that only you can do.

The task may seem small to you, but it is big as far as God is concerned. And just as importantly, it is all that God has called you to be accountable for. You will never be called to account for God’s calling on someone else’s life.

In order to fill that special place in His ministry, you need to know what that special place is.

Discover your spiritual gifts and use them in ministry with others to find your special place.

Dr. Larry Gilbert is founder and chairman of Ephesians Four Ministries, and founder of ChurchGrowth.org. For more on spiritual gifts, see Dr. Gilbert’s books, from which this article was excerpted: Team Ministry: Gifted to Serve (for pastors and group leaders) and Your Gifts: Discover God’s Unique Design for You (for individuals and groups).

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God's will, ministry, spiritual gifts, team, your place
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I discovered my spiritual gifts…now what?

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