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What Do You Do When Your World Falls Apart?

We’re pleased to introduce you to our friends Gerard and Jeannie Long.  Their story will shatter you and give you hope.

We’ve known Gerard for many years, formerly as the Executive Director of Alpha USA and more recently as President of Awakening to God Ministries (ATG). They launched ATG with the vision of reaching millions of people with a bigger vision of God’s love, power and purpose. As you will see, God has worked an unusual story into their lives and they’re sharing from completely broken hearts.

Gerard and Jeannie said recently, “We sense God has called us to now share our unbelievable story of pain and suffering, to pass on the comfort and love we’ve experienced and to comfort all those who are suffering.”gerard-jeannie-aboutIn 1980, Gerard had a dramatic encounter with God. Gerard and Jeannie married in 1981 and both felt called to serve in a church in North London where Gerard served as a bi-vocational pastor for 17 years. During this time Gerard continued to work in the banking and finance industry and Jeannie stayed at home to raise their three children.

By 2001, the Longs had moved from their beloved England to the USA. God had blessed them with a strong marriage, three precious children—their pride and joy, a beautiful home in a Chicago suburb and Gerard’s successful career as an international banker. They were ‘on top of the world.’

image020Then, the unimaginable happened.

At the end of 2005, they came face-to-face with evil. Alex, their precious youngest son (17), and a very talented athlete, was attacked through cyber-bullying and witchcraft. Choosing the wrong friends, he ended up taking a drug and, becoming delusional, he committed suicide.

Then, in 2014, Rebecca the family’s beautiful eldest child and only daughter (32), also a champion runner, drowned in a tragic accident in the frigid waters of Lake Michigan while out training.

During that same eight year period, two of Gerard’s three siblings and one of Jeannie’s nephews also died.

After Alex’s suicide in 2005, with her heart broken, Jeannie was consumed with ending her own life. Shortly after asking God to take her home, her intestines double knotted due to the overwhelming grief, and she had to have life-saving surgery.

Struggling to reconcile how a loving God could allow such evil to come upon them, Jeannie lost her faith for a season. And then, after her faith in God recovered and as Jeannie deepened her relationship with her beautiful daughter who was living with them, Jeannie once again faced unbelievable pain and suffering after the death of Rebecca. Jeannie decided to take her own life but was amazingly rescued by a divine encounter with God.

While suffering intense grief himself, Gerard’s faith was tested to the limit as their marriage headed for a break-down. Gerard’s loving devotion to Jeannie helped to bring her back from the brink of death. To God be the glory, their marriage triumphed through God’s grace and mercy.

Over the last ten years, Gerard and Jeannie have experienced unbelievable pain and suffering, but also they’ve received deep comfort, fellowship and insights from God that they now want to pass on to anyone who is suffering. They feel particularly called to share faith, hope and love with the brokenhearted, the depressed, the suicidal and those suffering from the suicide of a loved one. They also are called to encourage married couples and those interested in the after-life (i.e. what happens when you die). They have many treasures to pass on, including the main thing you must do when your world falls apart, namely to be a regular visitor at the throne of grace where you can receive everything you need to keep going.  Gerard explains how he met with God at the throne of grace in their latest video, A source of unconditional Love.

Gerard and Jeannie are now sharing the things God has shown them while on their journey through the valley of Baca (or the valley of weeping, Psalm 84:6). Their story includes teachings on suffering, God’s unfailing love, grace and calling, eternity, the triumph of marriage, the bride of Christ, a divine encounter and the love and prayers of family and friends. is delighted to be offering resources that Gerard has written and produced over the years, shown below. The book Awakening to God was about to be released just as they received the news about Rebecca.  As you’ll read in the Epilogue, Gerard wanted the book to still be released for an unexpected and very powerful reason.

Gerard and Jeannie have produced many video messages including a Heaven and Eternity series and a new Triumph of Marriage series, all available for free viewing at  

To learn more about Gerard and Jeannie and to hear them tell their story in more detail, watch the 8 minute video on their website, CLICK HERE and then click on the first video at the top of their homepage.

© 2016  Gerard and Jeannie Long. Used by permission.

The resources shown here are from Gerard Long…

lg-9781414396286lg-9781570520808Awakening to God: Discovering His Power And Your Purposebook and workbook.

Do you ever wonder if God has a bigger purpose for your life? Do you find it hard to believe that God wants to use you to do something extraordinary? Are you struggling to figure out what your purpose is? Have you ever wished that you could be better at sharing Christ with your family and friends?

Awakening to God book and workbook will teach you how to do this.  They will help you to discover God’s power and your purpose on Earth!

On Sale, plus Bulk Pricing for Groups, More…


9781934564462The Breakthrough: What if you could discover life’s most meaningful answers in today’s incredibly uncertain world?

Life is about the questions you ask and the discoveries you make.

The Breakthrough is the story of a father and his family’s search for meaning in life. It is a captivating parable for those looking for the true meaning of faith, love and acceptance. The Breakthrough is a beautifully bound hardcover book that can be given to friends, co-workers or others that cross your paths.

$10 value, only $4.99, plus Bulk Pricing for Groups, More…

Read it Today, eBook Instant Download PDF only $4.99, More…



Walk the Talk: Next Steps for Christian Discipleship

What does it really mean to walk by faith?

Chuck Colson, Rick Warren and Gerard Long will challenge you and your group in these eight video sessions.

Gently guide new and longtime Christians across deep waters. Perfect for Sunday School classes, small groups and discipleship groups that are ready to challenge their outlook on faith.

On Sale, plus Bulk Pricing for Groups, More…

Alpha USA, Awakening to God, Gerard Long, Jeannie Long, What to do when your world falls apart?
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3 Comments. Leave new

  • together with Gerard and Jeannie we praise God for keeping His promises to make good of all things for those who have suffered so deeply but yet loved Him and kept their faith in His love for them..that they can bless others as they minister to them who are going through difficult circumstances in life……………………such tragedy with their own children and family members….BUT GOD…………BUT GOD…..we just need You Lord 24/7…..

    You are the faithful One!………..we love you

  • I was so deeply moved by these few paragraphs. I would like to personally thank Gerard and Jeannie for being so courageous and sharing their
    testimony. I shall never forget it. I feel blessed to have read it. Our Father is always there we need only to hold on to Him. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your testmony. Sincerely Suzy D.

  • Marjorie Steffens
    September 10, 2017 7:13 am

    Your story is a confirmation from God to me for all that I have been experiencing in life and will still have 2 come in the future, that it is certain me that a life with God is what we all need to live a meaningful life. Because all that we experience, good or bad, has a meaning to serve our purpose. By acting in full obedience regarding our suffering, we please God to the fullest. That makes us the true instruments for God to work through us. A true woman of Destiny.

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