YOUR GIFTS | For Children

Your-Gifts-ChildrenDiscover God’s Special Gifts for You

Jesus said, “Let the Little Children Come to Me…”  (Matt. 19:14)
God places immense value on children, and desires them to grow close to Him. This fun, lively illustrated guide uses Bible
characters to teach children how they can do just that—by 
using their special gifts! Fully revised and updated, Your Gifts for Children—formerly called God’s Special Gifts for Me—is a 
proven tool that has helped thousands of families and churches introduce children to their spiritual gifts.
AUDIENCE: Children (ages 6-12)

• Aggressive digital marketing campaign encouraging children’s workers and church leaders to focus on spiritual gifts in 2015.
• Children’s pastors and caring professionals online advertising campaign to build grass roots momentum.
• Major social media campaign, including launch team.

• Developed from the world’s best-selling spiritual gifts survey
• Revised and updated for a new generation of children
• Based on Your Gifts, which has been used by more than 5 million people—trusted, proven, and effective
• Perfect for individuals, groups, churches, and organizations
• Strategic campaign/program to increase volunteerism in the local church

ISBN: 978-1-57052-288-8
PRICE: $2.99
PAGES: 16 pages
FORMAT: 8.5” x 11”, Staple-bound Workbook
SUBJECT: Christian Life/Spiritual Growth (REL 012120)


DR. LARRY GILBERT has researched, written and taught about spiritual gifts for over 40 years. As the founder of Church Growth Institute and Ephesians Four Ministries, Dr. Gilbert has worked with tens of thousands of churches and helped over five million people to discover their unique God-given gifts. Larry and his wife, Mary Lou, live in Elkton, Maryland.