The Guide To Effective Gospel Tract Ministry: Transform Lives and Inspire Faith, eBook PDF and Audio Instant Downloads ($45 value only $19.99)

$ 19.99

Roscoe Barnes III

You too can use the printed page to expand your ministry….

  • Extend the life of your sermons through gospel tracts
  • Share testimonies through outreach opportunities
  • Write and Publish your own tracts
  • Use tracts effectively and distribute tracts widely
  • Reach thousands of people with your message
  • Organize a gospel tract ministry as part of your evangelism efforts

See all Tracts


Transform Lives and Inspire Faith through Modern-Day Tract Ministry.

Great men of God from Martin Luther and John Wesley to Billy Graham and beyond have used the printed word to change lives and bless thousands of people from generation to generation.

You too can use the printed page to expand your ministry….

  • Extend the life of your sermons through gospel tracts
  • Share testimonies through outreach opportunities
  • Write and Publish your own tracts
  • Use tracts effectively and distribute tracts widely
  • Reach thousands of people with your message
  • Organize a gospel tract ministry as part of your evangelism efforts

Use tracts to…

  • Bring people to Christ
  • Clarify church doctrine
  • Comfort the bereaved
  • Develop discipleship/mentoring programs
  • Reinforce sermons
  • Effect social change
  • Combat false teaching
  • Promote your church
  • Raise funds
  • And more

The Guide to Effective Gospel Tract Ministry will guide you through writing to publishing to distributing tracts and touching lives.

Even if you prefer to use other’s tracts, this guide provides helpful tips on organizing a gospel tract ministry and using tracts effectively (plus what not to do).

Why use tracts?

  • Tracts are inexpensive ministry tools
  • Tracts are proven to spark revivals, prevent suicides, heal relationships, inspire new ministries, move nations
  • Tracts can be written and published by anyone
  • Tracts minister long after the author is gone
  • Tracts extend the life of sermons and lessons
  • Tracts reach people where they are
  • Tracts open doors and involve people in evangelism
  • Tracts are conversation starters
  • Tracts give hope to the hopeless
  • Tracts are easy to use

Chapter topics…

  • Possibilities in Tract Evangelism
    • Is there a tract inside you?
    • The incredible power of Gospel tracts
    • Don’t waste your sermons
  • Essential Guidelines for Creating a Tract
    • What’s wrong with too many tracts?
    • How to write a good tract, starting from scratch
    • Tell your own story
  • Important Pointers in Publishing a Tract
    • Finding a publisher
    • Quick tips for designing your own tract
    • Getting worldwide distribution
    • Recycle your tracts, reach more people
  • Blueprint for Personal Ministry
    • How to use tracts effectively
    • A profile in tract evangelism
  • Appendixes
    • The value of a lost soul
    • Advice on writing from a tract publisher
    • Seven Tips for writing a good narrative
    • Using anecdotes to reach readers and keep them wanting more
    • Recommended Resources
    • Reproducible Booklet for tract ministry workers: Blueprint for Personal Ministry

“Do you want to be an instrument God can use to bring people to Christ? If so, tracts must fit into your strategy somewhere. Nothing goes further, costs less, says it better or lasts longer than a tract….I recommend this book for your strong consideration…to begin a successful tract ministry that will bring great pleasure to the heart of God.” -Daniel Southern, President, American Tract Society

Includes Instant Download files which you can download immediately after purchase…

  • 164-page eBook PDF Instant Download, 3.7 MB file
  • 4 Audio Sessions, Instant Downloads, Listen Online or on your device, 65 minutes total, 129 MB total

A separate link will be emailed to you to listen online or to download the The Guide To Effective Gospel Tract Ministry Mini-Seminar Audio Files.

ISBN: 9781570521997

See all Tracts


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