The Dad Book: The Ultimate Survival Guide

$ 10.99

Jay Payleitner


Younger dad, older dad, in-the-middle dad…who couldn’t use an easy-access volume of pick-me-up ideas and inspirations called The Dad Book? Especially when it includes entries like aardvarks, Hollywood, and waffles?

Though the science of raising children remains a mystery, Jay Payleitner, bestselling author of 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad and veteran dadmeister of five grown kids, will spark new ideas with

  • fresh suggestions for engaging your kids
  • dad-to-dad humor that will lift to your perspective
  • reminders that God’s in the fathering trenches with you
  • ways to teach your kids by showing them instead of telling them
  • encouragement to connect your kids with the God who knows you and them inside out…and thinks you’re all terrific

You’ll get a big confidence boost from Jay’s straightforward, man-friendly advice. A terrific way to lift your outlook above the fray and help you build lifelong positives into your family!

 ISBN: 9780736963589

Author Jay Payleitner is one of the top freelance Christian radio producers in the United States. He has worked on Josh McDowell Radio, Today’s Father, Jesus Freaks Radio for the Voice of the Martyrs, Project Angel Tree with Chuck Colson, and many others. He’s also a popular speaker on parenting and marriage and the author of dozen-plus books, some best sellers. Jay has also served as an AWANA director, a wrestling coach, and the executive director of the Illinois Fatherhood Initiative; he now partners with the National Center for Fathering, whose efforts he fosters and promotes. He and his wife, Rita, live near Chicago, where they’ve raised five great kids and loved on ten foster babies.


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