How to Influence Your Loved Ones for Christ ($16 value, Bulk Pricing for Groups)

$ 4.99

Dr. Larry Gilbert

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A no-guilt, no-pressing-for-decision strategy that allows you to be yourself while influencing your loved ones for Christ.

While every Christian should be a witness to others for Christ and should “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15), not every Christian has a dominant spiritual gift of evangelism.

Team Evangelism is designed for the 90 percent of Christians who do not have the spiritual gift of evangelism, while it recognizes the 10 percent who do have the spiritual gift of evangelism and shows how both groups can work together to reach others for Christ.

Team Evangelism helps every church member to find their place on the team and to work together as a team to fulfill the Great Commission, bringing the unchurched to Christ and to the local church where they can develop into mature Christians.

Team Evangelism is based on Team Ministry, each person serving God through the spiritual gifts God has given them.

“Team Evangelism is one of the most thorough resources I’ve ever seen that equips both the unfamiliar and the accomplished evangelist. Practical and creative ideas and implementation of easy-to-follow concepts helps remove any apprehension of sharing one’s faith. This effective tool will bring fruit to any individual or church when the simple principles are followed.” – Dr. John Maxwell

Bulk Pricing for Groups:
$4.99 ea. (1-9 copies)
$3.99 ea. (10-25 copies)
$2.99 ea. (26-55 copies)
$1.99 ea. (56+ copies)

  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • ISBN-10: 0941005356
  • ISBN-13: 9780941005357
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.2 x 0.5 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 9.4 ounces

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Weight 0.54 lbs


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