Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters

$ 16.99

Michelle Watson Canfield


A scripted guide for leading heartfelt conversations with your daughter to build a stronger bond through laughter, honesty, and reflection.

The challenge for every dad of a daughter is to engage her in conversations that are meaningful and life-giving, especially during difficult times. Having insight into what to say and how to say it will distinguish you in building a healthy bond with your daughter.

Many great father-daughter books highlight the benefits of being an engaged father, cite statistics about the impact fathers have on a daughter’s life, and give practical advice about how to foster such relationships. But once the stage has been set, many dads don’t know what to say or how to approach conversations with their daughters.

Using her decades of experience in counseling young women and coaching fathers, Michelle Watson Canfield has created a step-by-step template for having conversations that build a stronger bond through laughter, vulnerability, honesty, and self-disclosure.

Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield is here to help you bridge the communication gap. And since every dad-daughter relationship is unique, she gives you exactly what you need to effectively pursue your daughter’s heart. Having field-tested hundreds of scripted questions, covering topics from personality and future dreams to body image and emotional complexities, her book imparts wisdom to dads, reminding you that listening and building trust are the keys to a life-long positive relationship.

You can create a heart-to-heart connection with your daughter by using this step-by-step guide, beginning with fun, light-hearted topics and moving to deep discussions that dive into your daughters’ questions, fears, hurts, and hopes.

Let’s Talk is filled with dozens of scripted questions that walk fathers through the levels of creating a heart-to-heart connection with their daughters of all ages.

Through this easy-to-read book, dads will learn how to listen and build trust as they move from get-to-know-you chats to deep discussions that dive into their daughters’ struggles, hurts, and hopes.

From the Author: I had so much fun writing this book for dads of daughters and it is my hope that you will find it to be just what you need if you want to engage your daughter’s heart. This is an ACTION book, not a theoretical book. Think of me as your coach—-giving you the scripts so you have the exact words in front of you to engage your daughter in meaningful activities and conversations.

And though Let’s Talk was written specifically with dads in mind, it will benefit moms who are eager to engage their daughters is deeper conversations. Last, if you are supportive of healthy father involvement, I encourage you to invest in getting this resource for your friends, family members, and anyone who wants to play a more active role in a young woman’s life.

Michelle Watson-Canfield, PhD (www.drmichellewatson.com) is a licensed professional counselor, speaker, author, and radio host of The Dad Whisperer. She seeks to live out her God-given assignment inspiring, equipping, and leading fathers of daughters to dial in to their daughters’ hearts with more intentionality and consistency. Founder of The Abba Project, a nine-month educational process group forum for dads with daughters from 13 to 30, Michelle has a mission to help dads through teaching them how to better engage with their daughters.

  • Paperback : 240 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 0764235680
  • ISBN-13 : 9780764235689
  • Item Weight : 12.2 ounces
  • Dimensions : 5.5 x 0.55 x 8.5 inches


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