Integrity at Stake: Safeguarding Your Church from Financial Fraud

$ 14.99

by Rollie Dimos


This financial resource book was written for pastors, church leaders, and church administrators. Rollie Dimos’ expertise as a certified fraud examiner and internal auditor provides the church audience with essential tools and know-how to assess their financial processes. Integrity at Stake includes practical steps for evaluation and details internal controls, risk management, and true stories to help church leaders reduce the risk of fraud and increase financial accountability and integrity.

160-page paperback

ISBN: 9780310525004

About the Author: Rollie Dimos is a certified fraud examiner and internal auditor. He has a deep desire to help church leaders reduce the risk of fraud and increase financial accountability and integrity. He frequently speaks on the topic at conferences around the country. As an auditor in the government and nonprofit sectors, Rollie has been helping leaders assess the strength of their organizational controls for over twenty-five years. He is a graduate of Evangel University and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.

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Weight 1.18 lbs


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