How To Go To Two Services Video Seminar: Double Your Ministry Potential, eBook Instant PDF Download with Online Videos ($165 value)

$ 19.99


You can expand your ministry with multiple services.

Why go to multiple services even if you don’t have space problems? Adding a second service will help you reach people you can’t reach in one service. It will help break your growth plateau. Sunday school attendance will soar.

When you provide a different type of worship your church can reach new people.

So how can you go to multiple services? Dr. Elmer Towns’ easy-to-follow resource packet shows you how.


  • 59 page eBook Instant PDF Download, 1.4 mb file,
  • Full Planning Guide,
  • Promotional plan and materials,
  • Online Video Seminar with links for Viewing and Showing to Groups, 85 minutes
  • Video worknotes,
  • 3 survey forms,
  • 4 questionnaires,
  • Pastor’s checklist,
  • and much more.

Click to view Sample PDF

ISBN: 9781570522383


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