How To Develop A Pastoral Compensation Plan, Instant PDF Download ($50 Value)

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by Dr. Gary McIntosh [ product number: 486 ]


This manual will help your church develop a salary package that is equitable for your pastor(s) and suitable for your congregation. Developing a compensation plan is difficult, but taking the time to devise such a plan will clarify communication, lift morale, improve ministry among your church staff, and enhance pastoral longevity.

Chapter titles:

  1. “We’ll Keep Him/Her Poor!”
  2. Biblical Principles
  3. Financial Rules of Thumb
  4. A Compensation Model
  5. Salary Supplements
  6. Benefits
  7. Reimbursements
  8. The Salary Review Process
  9. Our Compensation Plan

Appendix offers: Sample agreement letter, pastoral agreement, salary worksheet, housing allowance estimate, benefits, reimbursements, salary review.

This interactive manual will help you develop or redefine your pastoral compensation plan as you work through the questions and fill in the worksheets. Are you on target? Does your plan need modification? Gain a clearer picture of your current practice and determine strengths and weaknesses to enable positive action toward greater effectiveness for the future.

Includes: introduction, handbook, appendix. 100 pages.



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