Help Wanted: Get, Keep and Grow New Volunteers, eBook Instant PDF Download ($15 value)

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Nothing will create high blood pressure faster than a room full of kids and no leader on Sunday morning.

Not having enough volunteers is a pain point for every ministry leader.  However, no one feels it more deeply than a kidmin or student ministry leader.

So how can you be more effective at recruiting more volunteers? The secret to a great volunteer recruiting system is spelled W-O-R-K. While there are no recruitment shortcuts to finding great volunteers and lots of them, there are some basics that can make the difference between effective and ineffective recruiting.

All great work begins with a plan. Finding enough volunteers won’t happen overnight. But if you avoid the four volunteer recruiting myths, make a plan according to the six principles found in this book and work that plan each day you will begin to see God raise up leaders to lead kids and students in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

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  • Volunteering To Wash Dishes
    • We Need More Announcements
    • People Just Aren’t Committed Enough
    • We Need to Make It Easier
    • People Are Too Busy
    • Start With Why
    • Get Personal
    • Get Clear on the Job
    • Make Big Asks
    • Make a Plan
    • Create a Great Volunteer Experience
    • Volunteer Recruiting Is Ministry
    • Useful Forms
    • Sample Staff Job Descriptions
    • Sample Volunteer Job Description

Includes: 122-page eBook Instant PDF Download

ISBN: 9781570523649



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