God’s Plan: Finding Yourself in His Grand Design, eBook Instant PDF Download ($17 value)

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Henrietta Mears

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How do we fit into God’s Plan?

If you’ve ever wondered if God has a plan for your life, then prepare to be amazed.

God’s plan is exciting and timely and God’s Word is relevant today!

Henrietta Mears’ vital concern was for people – that they might have a comprehensive grasp of the Bible and realize that God has a wonderful plan to reveal to each one who seeks Him.

In God’s Plan, you’ll discover that God does have a plan, and His plan for you is eternal.

God’s plan predates creation, and continues forever, without limits. The Bible reveals how God established His plan for this world. Beginning with the story of creation in Genesis, Dr. Mears relates how God selected a chosen people and unfolded His designs over the ages to those who sought Him and followed His will. She describes how God’s plan included sending His only Son to Earth to redeem humankind from their sins and to bring them back into relationship with Him. She also reveals how God’s plan will come to fulfillment in the future when Jesus Christ returns to claim those who have faithfully followed Him.

God does have a plan and purpose for your life. If you have wondered how you fit into His big picture, let one of the twentieth century’s most beloved Bible teachers show you the way.

The essence of God’s plan is love, pure unrequited love, by the Almighty God for you and for all people. This love prompted God to create the heavens and the earth, to select a chosen people, to reveal the plan of salvation, to establish the church, to direct the activities of that which He has created, and one day to return in glory.

God’s Plan examines Scripture to reveal how God established His plan for this world. Beginning with the story of creation in Genesis, Dr. Mears relates how God selected a chosen people and unfolded His Designs over the ages to those who sought Him and followed His will. She describes how God’s plan included sending His only Son to earth to redeem humankind from their sins and to bring them back into relationship with Him. She also reveals how God’s Plan will come to fulfillment in the future when Jesus Christ returns to claim those who have faithfully followed Him.

God does have a plan and purpose for your life. If you have ever wondered how you fit into His big picture, let one of the most beloved Bible teachers show you the way.

If anyone followed God’s plan for her life, it was Dr. Henrietta Mears, whose one purpose—to know Christ and make Him known—inspired and mentored a generation of college students to aspire to Christian leadership, including the legendary Billy Graham, Bill Bright and many others.

In God’s Plan, the well-loved author of What the Bible is All About leads us to discover that God does have a plan, and His plan is eternal.

HENRIETTA C. MEARS (1890 to 1963) was one of the great Bible teachers of the 20th century. While she served as Christian Education Director at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, she built one of the largest Sunday Schools in the world and wrote curriculum that was in such high demand that to publish it, she founded Gospel Light in 1933. Such notable Christian leaders as Richard C. Halverson, Luis Evans, Jr. and Bill Bright were among her students. Billy Graham said of Dr. Mears, “Her enthusiasm for the Lord Jesus Christ was contagious.” Miss Mears went home to be with her Lord and Savior on March 20, 1963.

  • eBook: 349 pages
  • ISBN-10: 0830745629
  • ISBN-13: 9780830745623, 9781570524844
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 1 x 8.5 inches

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