Friend Day: Church Friendship Outreach and Attendance Campaign, Everything Included, Instant eBook PDF with Art and Audio File Downloads (HALF PRICE, $385 value)

$ 189.99

Dr. Elmer Towns

Plan a Friend Day at your Church

Make Your Church A Friendly Place

What influences people to come to church?

  1. Invitation from a friend: 86%
  2. Organized visitation: 6%
  3. Pastoral contact: 6%
  4. Advertisement: 2%

Why have a Friend Day?

  • Most churches double attendance on Friend Day, some triple attendance.
  • Churches average four salvations on Friend Day and two salvations on each of the four weeks following Friend Day.
  • Churches sustain an average increase in attendance of 5% directly following Friend Day.
  • Friend Day has been used in over 30,000 churches and 50 denominations.
  • Friend Day has been used successfully in both small and large churches.
  • Over 10 million people have attended church as a result of Friend Day!

This Friend Day: Church Friendship Attendance Campaign is an eBook Instant PDF Download which contains 131 pages. After purchase, you will receive an email with link to download this 6.7 MB PDF file as well as a link to download How To Reach Your Friends For Christ by Elmer Towns, eBook PDF, including your Unlimited Church License which allows you to email this eBook PDF for FREE to everyone in your church or group, a 56 page eBook, 7 MB PDF File. A separate link will be emailed to you for download of the Friend Day Art and Audio Files, an additional 922 MB.


Most Popular Evangelism, Outreach & Attendance Campaign

Now Includes More Resources Than Ever

This Friend Day Resource Kit lays out a complete 4-week outreach and attendance campaign with an evangelistic thrust.

Two basic techniques make Friend Day so successful…

  1. Each member brings one friend…no need to confront strangers.
  2. The organized, easy-to-do follow-up provides a personal touch that will bring visitors back…again and again.

Proven to double attendance on Friend Day in most churches, more than double in some churches. Proper follow-up maintains higher than normal attendance afterward.

Friend Day is a special day to:

  • honor your friends
  • introduce friends to Jesus Christ
  • welcome friends into your church
  • build relationships
  • reach out to the community
  • share God’s love
  • involve every member
  • grow your ministry

People Connecting With Church

One of the most effective ways to reach the community around your church is to plan an Outreach and Attendance Campaign. Friend Day Incorporates Seven Keys to Effective Outreach…

  1. Team Ministry: God has not called the individual Christian to go it alone in an effort to influence and reach the lost for Christ. He has equipped the entire local church as a team where corporately we all play different roles, using our individual spiritual gifts to fulfill the Great Commission (Ephesians 4:16).
  2. Relationships: The majority of unchurched people do not come to church seeking to grow spiritually or to meet their Savior. They come to connect with others. The more relationships an unchurched person has within the church, the more likely they are to attend the church and the less likely they are to leave the church. 86% of church attendees are there at the invitation of a friend or relative. We must intentionally develop trusting, redemptive relationships with as many unchurched people as possible.
  3. Saturation: Saturation is going the extra mile. It is persistence. Saturation creates synergy, where the combined effort is greater than the sum of the individual efforts. Each evangelistic effort we attempt must be saturated in prayer and with as many different touches as possible to influence individuals for Christ.
  4. Presentation: A person must hear the Gospel and have an opportunity to respond. This can be done through many forms, including at your Friend Day.
  5. Intentional: Most new Christians naturally share their faith because of their excitement. As Christians grow older, they tend to become less outwardly focused with the Gospel. As a result, churches stop growing and stop reaching their communities. To start growing again, we must be intentional again at reaching out with the Gospel.
  6. Experiment: There are may ideas and methods for how to reach out with the Gospel. Be open to experimenting while constantly evaluating effectiveness. Search for and adopt those methods that best fit your ministry setting and community.
  7. Excitement: Excitement builds a church. When people get excited about what is happening in their lives and in the church, they cannot keep it to themselves. When they share that excitement with others, it will attract them to the church as well.

Note: While the Friend Day campaign itself lasts 4 weeks (weekly lessons, sermons, ending with Friend Day), you will want to allow 3-4 weeks of preparation and promotion leading up to that four-week emphasis.

This Friend Day: Church Friendship Attendance Campaign includes everything you need to plan and host your Friend Day, including…

  • Planning Guide: 25 pages of planning helps including…
    • step-by-step agenda,
    • Friend Day activities and follow-up activities,
    • pointers on using Friend Day,
    • successful ideas,
    • suggested Friendship Packet items,
    • guidelines for post-Friend Day visits,
    • master calendar and more
  • Teaching Helps: 50 pages of teaching helps including…
    • “how to” instructions,
    • Bible verses on friendship,
    • quotes,
    • lessons for adults & teens,
    • lessons for children,
    • sermon outlines and more
  • Promotional Material: Over 30 pages of promotional helps as well as the Friend Day Updates digital art files (a $50 value) are provided in the PDF for you to customize and print to use with your Friend Day as well as your Friend Day Art File download, including…
    • how to promote your Friend Day,
    • bulletin shells and inserts,
    • suggested letters and emails,
    • flyers,
    • logos,
    • bookmarks,
    • letterheads,
    • sample press releases,
    • posters,
    • postcards,
    • planning calendar,
    • Let’s Take Inventory,
    • Friendly Contract,
    • all are reproducible promotional pieces, plus a window & bumper sticker is available for separate purchase for 99¢, as low as 59¢ with Bulk Pricing for Groups, CLICK HERE
  • 21 Digital Audio Files are provided which contain Dr. Elmer L. Towns presenting…
    • Introduction to Friend Day;
    • How to Plan a Friend Day;
    • Lesson 1: What Is a Friend?
    • Lesson 2: How to Be a Friend;
    • Lesson 3: How to Bring Out the Best in Your Friend;
    • Lesson 4: How to Be a Friend of God;
    • and five Suggested Friend Day Sermons.
  • The Friend Day Tune-up Kit (a $60 value) is also included, an additional 16 pages including…
    • four detailed fill-in-the-blank lesson outlines with answer sheets
    • plus additional reproducible promotional materials
  • How To Reach Your Friends For Christ by Elmer Towns, eBook PDF, Unlimited Church License
    • This Unlimited Church License allows the purchaser to email this eBook PDF for FREE to everyone in their church or group
    • $50+ value, a $5 value per person
    • 56 page eBook Instant PDF Download, 7 MB PDF File

This Friend Day: Church Friendship Attendance Campaign is an eBook Instant PDF Download which contains 131 pages. After purchase, you will receive an email with link to download this 6.7 MB PDF file as well as a link to download How To Reach Your Friends For Christ by Elmer Towns, eBook PDF, including your Unlimited Church License which allows you to email this eBook PDF for FREE to everyone in your church or group, a 56 page eBook, 7 MB PDF File. A separate link will be emailed to you for download of the Friend Day Art and Audio Files, an additional 922 MB.

Those who purchase Friend Day may save, store and read the eBook PDF’s as well as listen to the 21 audio tracks on any computer, tablet, smartphone or eReader. All files may be shared and stored within your ministry.

We ask that purchasers do not distribute or share these files beyond the ministry of the purchaser. Any person outside of your church or ministry who desires Friend Day for their church or ministry should be directed to this page to purchase their own Friend Day: Church Friendship Attendance Campaign.



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