Easter Services: Dramatic Events that Share the Message, eBook Instant PDF Download ($55 value)

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by Dr. Robert Kintigh


Dr. Kintigh shares the ingredients of four dramatic Easter season services that will tug at hearts and bring home the message of eternal life through Christ’s death and resurrection.

Four complete Easter season services: The Stone Roller, Excerpts of Easter: An Easter of Doubt, The Cross of Love, and God’s Lamb of Hope.

Each service, evangelistic in nature, integrates contemporary and traditional worship elements to appeal to all ages. These services offer a more visual and lively passion play-type format. The services are designed for a one-hour timeframe, but may be altered in a number of ways and personalized for your ministry as you feel led.

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  • Introduction
  • Planning: Planning Agenda, Recruiting Help, What About the Finances, Selecting the Music, A Word about Copyright
  • Services: The Stone Roller, Excerpts of Easter: An Easter of Doubt, Passion Play Style Services, The Cross of Love, God’s Lamb of Hope, Props and Scenery
  • Promotion: About Promotion, Volunteer Survey, Sample Announcement, Prayer Covenant, Sample Public Service Announcement, Sample News Release, Special Celebration Tickets, Flyers, Poster

Includes: detailed planning section and instructions for implementing these services in your church, sample bulletin information, complete scripts, suggested music, and reproducible promotional material.

75 pages, eBook Instant PDF Download

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