Disaster Prevention Guide For Church Building Projects, eBook Instant PDF Download ($45 Value)

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Church building projects can be fraught with challenges that threaten to burn out the pastor, place the church in financial bondage and cause deep divisions in the church.

The Disaster Prevention Guide for Church Building Projects will help you to eliminate unnecessary stress and problems as you sail through smoother waters toward a building project you can look back on with satisfaction.

Developed by Jon Elliott, a church-planning consultant who is also an experienced engineer and church business administrator, this guide will explain how to properly plan your building project as you examine your church’s needs, abilities, and potential showing you how to lay out a plan for success.

Jesus taught the importance of planning before building in Luke 14:28-30

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish itlest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?

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You will…

  • Learn why planning is essential
  • Determine how much you can spend
  • Find out how not to save money
  • Discover how to make the most of your money
  • Learn when to involve an architect
  • Understand communication, funding, and design planning
  • Explore loans, permits, and more
  • Discover how to preserve your pastor

Use this guide to…

  • Turn your visions into blueprints
  • Avoid pastor burn-out
  • Prevent wasted time and money
  • Protect your church
  • Determine the best solution for your space needs
  • Overcome problems that lie ahead–through planning
  • Develop a plan for a successful building project

Includes: 77-page eBook Instant PDF Download.

ISBN: 9781570523215



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