Concise Bible Doctrine: Clear, Simple and Easy to Read

$ 18.99


Concise Bible Doctrines is written for the average Christian–the contemporary Bible student–not the theologian.

Individuals, families, and churches grow when they’re grounded in solid biblical doctrine. All the Christian doctrines are listed conveniently in the table of contents. Doctrines that have been debated for centuries, such as the trinity, the personality of man, and more are discussed, as well as current issues such as the work of angels, Satan, and demons, as well as the signs of the times. This is an engaging read for anyone interested in what the Bible has to say about what truly affects our lives! [expand title=”Read more »” swaptitle=”Read less «”]

Dr. Elmer Towns is a college and seminary professor, an author of popular and scholarly works (the editor of two encyclopedias), a popular seminar lecturer, and dedicated worker in Sunday school. He is the co-founder of Liberty University along with his colleague Jerry Falwell. Elmer has published over 100 books listed in the Library of Congress, 7 listed in the Christian Booksellers Best Selling List; several becoming accepted as college textbooks.



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