Awakening to God: Discovering His Power And Your Purpose ($13 value plus Bulk Pricing for Groups)

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Do you ever wonder if God has a bigger purpose for your life? Do you find it hard to believe that God wants to use you to do something extraordinary? Are you struggling to figure out what your purpose is? Have you ever wished that you could be better at sharing Christ with your family and friends?

Awakening to God book and workbook will teach you how to do this.  They will help you to discover God’s power and your purpose on Earth!

The early church turned the world upside down. With only a few followers of Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit, the gospel message of love and transformation spread like wildfire; it could not be contained or held back. What was the secret—the “Jesus way”—behind such a radical movement of the gospel? And what would it take for a spiritual renewal to happen today—in your church, your community, your world, and your own heart?

Gerard Long, former president of Alpha USA, has seen that spiritual awakenings tend to occur when God’s people understand their calling and prepare through prayer, personal renewal, and action. In Awakening to God, he offers a compelling vision for a “Jesus way” of widespread spiritual renewal, equipping you to better love people into the Kingdom of God. You’ll become empowered to live the abundant life given to us in Christ—and step out in faith to fulfill God’s calling.

It’s time for an awakening. Sharing biblical truth and practical advice gained through his own spiritual journey, Gerard compels us to go and live the abundant life given to us in Christ. To rediscover the gospel that calls us to action. To become fishers of men. To change the world.

[expand title=”Read more »” swaptitle=”Read less «”] Pastors and Group Leaders: An effective way to mobilize your church is for members to learn together in their small groups.  Based on the Awakening to God book, this small group work book will guide your members through together on how to reach their family and friends for Christ.  This can also be part of the church strategy to reach people for Christ.  For example, prior to Easter or Christmas or before starting an Alpha course.  The most effective way for people to come to church is when they are invited by a friend!!  The Awakening to God book and workbook will teach Christians how to invite people to church.

Gerard Long: After a successful collegiate track career, Gerard went to work for HSBC London (one of the world’s largest banks), eventually rising to the office of senior vice president, corporate marketing. In 1980, Gerard had a dramatic encounter with God and felt called to serve in a church in North London where he served as a pastor for 17 years. During this time Gerard continued to work in the banking and finance industry which took him around the world and included some fascinating roles, including director of the Year 2000 program for the UK and Europe. In 2001, Gerard and his family moved to New York, where he was asked to launch a global product for HSBC, and then on to Chicago in 2003, where he led the integration of HSBC and Household International. Throughout his banking career, Gerard sought to introduce his colleagues to Jesus Christ and while serving in the City of London he was Chairman of Christians in Finance (which was founded in 1875). Gerard and his wife Jeannie went through a period of intense brokenness, following the suicide of their seventeen year old son Alex in 2005. During this period, Gerard received a revelation of eternity which helped him to journey through a season of terrible pain and suffering.  At the end of 2006, Gerard retired from HSBC and joined Alpha USA  (Alpha helps churches to make more disciples of Jesus Christ, it operates in more than 169 countries, and more than 24 million people have experienced Alpha, including 3 million in the US). Gerard served as the CEO of Alpha USA for seven years, during which time the ministry grew by over 300%. In 2014, another terrible tragedy struck when Gerard and Jeannie’s beautiful adult daughter, Rebecca, slipped and fell into the frigid waters of Lake Michigan and drowned.  There are no words to describe the pain and the suffering but, in the midst of it, God has fellowshipped with them giving them a supernatural story of His grace and glory. In obedience to an unequivocal call from God, Gerard resigned from Alpha at the end of 2014 and with Jeannie is now testifying to God’s amazing grace through their ministry In particular, sharing how God, through the Cross, can take the worst things that happen to us and, if we let Him, turn them for good as part of His eternal plan and purpose.

Awakening to God provides some wonderful keys for every Christ follower to be empowered, envisioned, and equipped to reach family and friends with the wonderful news of Jesus Christ. Following Jesus’ instructions, Gerard Long shows that evangelism should start and continue with God’s love and power being poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. He points out that the first 120 Christ followers turned the world upside down, and there is still great hope for America to have another awakening!
Mark Batterson New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker and lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC

My life’s mission is to be a loving teacher and example of simple truths, helping myself and others to awaken to the presence of God in our lives. That was not my life’s mission until my early fifties, when my wonderful Christian friends awakened me to the presence of God in my life. Read Gerard Long’s book, Awakening to God, so you can become more awake yourself and become that kind of friend to others.
Ken Blanchard coauthor of The One Minute Manager and Lead Like Jesus

Awakening to God is truly a wake-up call for us all to be on mission, wherever we are living life, and to discover the ultimate and true plan God has for each of us. Gerard’s experience in the corporate world, along with his years of leadership with Alpha, gives him major street cred to write this book. I highly recommend it!
Brad Lomenick author of The Catalyst Leader, former president and key visionary of Catalyst

Gerard Long has experienced hard battles in life, but his faith in Jesus Christ stands undiminished. It is inspiring that his desire to share his faith is stronger than ever.
Nicky Gumbel pioneer of Alpha and senior pastor of HTB London

An inspiring book for anyone exploring the adventure of faith!
Bear Grylls adventurer, author, TV presenter

Awakening to God is a great read for anyone interested in knowing God and joining with him in his rescue mission for men and women across the globe.
Roma Downey actor, author, producer of the major motion picture Son of God

Awakening to God is a must-read for pastors and church leaders. It will not only awaken you to God’s call and power in your own life, but it will also help your church awaken to its full purpose and potential.
Scott Evans president of Outreach Inc.

What a story! What reality! What relief and joy and peace to be reminded of the never-ending love of God, even in the midst of excruciating pain—pain that Gerard Long and his family know all too well. In this wonderful book, Gerard shares the power and importance of spiritual awakening—that moment when a person comes alive to God through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. Whether you are already a follower of Jesus or still searching for spiritual reality, Awakening to God will arouse you out of your spiritual slumber and get you going on a life of spiritual relevance that will have eternal consequences.
Luis Palau world evangelist

Gerard Long personifies the hope embedded in a classic psalm: “Sorrow may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” His personal tragedies expose in him a faith that enables him to both move mountains and to “be still” and know that Christ is God. In his new book, Awakening to God, Gerard shines the light of Jesus and empowers the reader to engage in a journey of faith, love, truth, and life.
Samuel Rodriguez president of NHCLC, the Hispanic Evangelical Association

With gentleness, grace, and a sense of urgency, Gerard Long calls us to a great awakening that will affect us personally and in community. He focuses on our coming alive to God’s love and purpose; to the Holy Spirit; to God’s calling to go and make disciples; to brokenness; to eternity; and to the opportunity God gives us, and the provision he provides, to seize that opportunity. He invites us to invite others to “come and see.” This is not a dry how-to book on evangelism and discipleship. Instead, it’s simply one changed person sharing with the rest of us what God has done in his life and what God has in mind for ours.
Denny Rydberg president of Young Life

Awakening to God is a breath of fresh air, a rejuvenating invitation to the fundamentals of Christian life and witness. If your spiritual life is in a rut and you’re longing to get back to your first love, this book is for you. If you’re wondering whether God has a deeper purpose for your life, this book is for you. If you’ve ever found yourself unsure of how to share the gospel in a world that questions the gospel’s continued relevance, this book is for you.
Jim Liske president and CEO of Prison Fellowship Ministries

In this book, Gerard invites you on a journey of awakening to what matters most in this life. Through the story of his own series of awakenings—some of them resulting from great personal tragedy—
he challenges you to embrace the awakenings God desires for each of us. The pages of this book hold the capacity to stir a Spirit-prodded appetite for God’s awakenings in your life as a Christ follower. As you read, may you invite God to awaken in you a greater awareness of his presence and activity in your life—and in the lives of those you impact in his name.
Bill Hybels bestselling author and pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, Chicago

Outreach Magazine Best Resource, March/April 2015 Issue: For new believers anxious to get beyond the mere basics of faith, disengaged believers returning to Christ and to the church or those otherwise stalled in the pews looking to rekindle the flame, Awakening to God will fuel one’s desire to experience a more expressive, dynamic relationship with God in daily living. More than a mere telling of personal story, the author explains nine key awakenings from his own experience–awakenings that are common to all those whose faith is now active, growing and empowered by the Holy Spirit. In and through such awakenings, one’s relationship with God is not only strengthened, it becomes something quite naturally shared with others wherein (on mission with God) believers find passion, purpose, significance and joy. Intrinsic to the work, then, is a call to action.


How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation. Isaiah 52:7

In my work for Alpha, a not-for-profit ministry that invites people to learn the basics of Christianity in a relaxed, welcoming, and engaging atmosphere, I travel extensively throughout the United States. People I meet who are aware of my background in finance will often ask me why and how I left the corporate world to work for a nonprofit organization—and especially to work for Alpha, whose low-key, informal approach to evangelism seems incompatible with their image of a buttoned-down banker.
Over time, I’ve come to realize that the answer to their question involves one of several awakenings I’ve had—times when God has either roused me from a spiritual slumber or has otherwise redirected my steps to be more in line with his purpose for my life. Further, I’ve found that these awakenings are “common to mankind”—that is, they’re awakenings that God desires for every person to have; in fact, they’re essential to God’s work in our lives and in our world.
I’ve noticed over the past few years that many Christians I meet feel beaten down in their faith. They are disappointed and frustrated by the lack of power and impact they’ve had for the Kingdom of God. They’ve been followers of Christ for years, and yet they feel as if they haven’t effectively lived out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. Instead, they’re stuck with a mixture of fear and concern that they don’t know enough to be able to share their faith with others.
Many of these Christians are passionate about their faith, but they’re looking for practical guidance that will enable them to share God’s love with their family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Does that sound familiar?
I have no doubt that you, too, are concerned for the souls of the people around you, and yet the thought of another “evangelism program” can seem daunting— even a plan designed by Jesus himself. But every evangelistic effort at its core is simply an invitation to “come and see.” We have utilized this simple model to great effect within the Alpha Course, and I’d like to show you how to apply it even more generally in your life.
Jesus told his disciples to “go into all the world,” and he promised he would make them “fishers of men.” They promptly went out and turned the world upside down. That same promise and prospect is available to us today.
My aim in these pages is to give you hope that a fresh experience of God is possible, and to inspire you to “go and tell” your friends and neighbors, so that they will “come and see” and be captivated by the good news of God’s love and his Kingdom. Yet, even as I seek to present my case with gentleness and grace, I can only hope to adequately convey the urgency of God’s calling: “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished.”
It’s time for a fresh awakening of our hearts to God. Let’s go turn the world upside down again.


  1. Awakening to God’s Love and Purpose
  2. Awakening to the Holy Spirit: Power for Living
  3. Awakening to Our Calling: Go and Make Disciples
  4. Awakening to Brokenness
  5. Awakening to Eternity
  6. Awakening to Opportunity: A Bigger Vision
  7. Awakening to God’s Provision: How to Become Fishers of Men
  8. Awakening to the Nets: How to Draw In the Fish
  9. Awakening to the Catch: How to Land the Fish
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 158
  • Dimensions: 8.25H x 5.5W x 0.44D in

Inspiring video of Gerard Long presenting Awakening to God, Click Here

Bulk Pricing for Groups:
$9.99 ea. (1-9 copies)
$8.99 ea. (10-25 copies)
$7.99 ea. (26+ copies)

ISBN: 9781570520457 (Workbook No Longer Available from, 9781570520808,9781496405272)

Original ISBN: 9781414396286

Read the free article What do you do when your world falls apart? about Gerard and Jeannie Long with links to their free videos, CLICK HERE


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