7 Habits Of A Visitor Friendly Church: Are You Turning Your Visitors into Members? Audio Seminar, Instant PDF and Audio Downloads ($60 value)

$ 19.99

by Tom Clegg


Are You Turning Your Visitors into Members?

Guests form most of their opinions about your church within thirty seconds of entering your front door, and those impressions will stick with them until they return, if they ever do.

While being friendly accounts for 20% of a church’s effectiveness in welcoming guests, the other 80% comes from well-designed systems.

The 7 Habits of a Visitor-Friendly Church Audio Seminar will help you and our church to develop habits and a proven system to effectively attract, welcome and follow up with your guests so they will return to your church.

You will learn how to…

  • incorporate guests into the life of your church
  • make evangelism the natural purpose of your church
  • see your church through the eyes of your guests
  • lead people to say good things about your church
  • implement a values-led assimilation strategy
  • invite people to come to your church
  • select the best methods for your newcomer’s class
  • and more.

This Audio Seminar Includes these Instant Downloads…

  • 21-page Reproducible Seminar Workbook PDF from which you can make copies to provide to each person joining your Seminar for note taking (4.7 MB)
  • Audio Tracks of the Four Session 3.5 Hour Audio Seminar
    • Session 1, one hour
    • Session 2, one hour
    • Session 3, one hour
    • Session 4, 35 minutes
    • A separate link will be emailed to you to download or listen online to the four Seminar Audio Tracks (308 MB)

Your Seminar can be presented to a group of people, or the PDF and Audio Links can be emailed to your team to listen on their own.

ISBN: 9781570522413, 9781570521645, 479C


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