50-Pack Inventario De Los Dones Espirituales ($200 valor)

$ 139.99

50-Pack Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory, Spanish Edition

Dr. Larry Gilbert

Only $2.80 each

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SKU: 9781570523472 Category:


Ayede a sus miembros que hablan Español a identificar sus dones dados por Dios Espirituales con el Inventario de Equipo de Pastoral, utilizado por más de 5 millones de personas. La edición actual en Español (punto 401x) esta ahora disponible….y una visita obligada para aquellos que hablan y leen Español como primer idioma.

Muestra a sus miembros cómo Dios les ha regalado una vida cotidiana y de ministerio…..y van a estar entusiasmados y motivados para servir donde encajan mejor.

[expand title=”Read more »” swaptitle=”Read less «”] With over 5 million used, The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory has helped Christians around the world identify their God-given spiritual gifts. The Spanish version is a must for those who speak and read Spanish as a first language. Administered in 20 minutes, it is fun and a valuable tool for the Christian walk. Learn how God has equipped you to minister in the local church…and in daily life! Covers nine task-oriented “team” gifts used in daily life and ministry: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Pastoring/Shepherding, Prophecy, Serving Teaching. (For further explanation and study of spiritual gifts; different types of gifts; how gifts relate to other gifts, your daily life, etc. see the book How to Find Meaning and Fulfillment through Understanding the Spiritual Gift within You.) The 50-pack includes 50 of the Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory Spanish Edition with questionnaire; 2-part, self-scoring answer sheet; and instructions.




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